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Brian J. Clement

Brian J. Clement

Account Executive

Early in 2002 I had breakfast with my Godfather, a well-respected insurance professional. I was fortunate the weather didn't alter plans that day as a few weeks later he fell extremely ill and was forced into an early retirement. That discussion was the foundation of my insurance and risk management career.

As financial responsibilities were limited at that time I made a calculated choice to venture into this new career path, found ways to stay afloat, learned who to gain industry knowledge from and by trial and error, who to trust and who to run away from as fast as possible. I'm fortunate to share solid relationships with most of the early positive influencers to this day.

Growing a referral network and client base from scratch was challenging and humbling, filled with the emotional peaks and valleys that both build and shake one's confidence. Utilizing my strengths of responsiveness and kindness I have managed those relationships while ethically building new ones.

As risk continues to evolve through new technology, regulations and workforce demands my passion remains laser focused - simplifying the Property & Casualty Insurance language for Business Owners, CEOs, CFOs, COOs and Finance Directors, as well as professionals who support them within the accounting, legal and venture capital industries.

With more than 20 years of insurance experience as a personable, licensed agent specializing in the Alternative Energy, Technology, Healthcare and Life Sciences space from startups to multinational companies, my influencers, clients and prospects love the insightful risk management knowledge and insurance product solutions regularly delivered.

I'm excited to share my professional experience with you and your company!